Thursday, December 31, 2009

No More Shooting for Little Fixes and Reforms. Let's Go fot It.

Every move to take down the protections put into place by President Franklin Roosevelt after the banking collapse of the early 1930s, was done in the name of reform. The repeal of interstate banking prohibitions, the deregulation of the savings and loan sector, and the repeal of Glass-Steagall, along with a host of other measures, were all done in the name of reform.

Today, we are up to our chins in calls for reform. Some of them are genuine attempts to restore sanity to our regulatory process, others are well-intentioned but misguided efforts that would fail to have any meaningful impact, and still others are malicious measures that would advance the plans for a global financial dictatorship. It is imperative, therefore, that we have a standard for sorting the wheat from the crap and the Trojan Horses.

Fortunately, such a standard exists.

The Whole Enchilada
Nothing less than the full plan will work. Write off of the giant mountain of speculative debt currently choking the global economy, reorganize banking according to the Glass-Steagall standard, and replace the Anglo-Venetian imperial monetary system—including the scam known as globalization—with sovereign national credit systems, complete with a return to fixed exchange rates among national currencies, providing stability for long-term international cooperation.

With those measures in place, supported by the combined power of the U.S., Russia, China and India, joined by other nations, to keep the monetary casino empire from weaseling back into dominating position, we, humanity, can begin serious work on rebuilding the physical-economic productivity of the world, through large-scale investment in infrastructure—led by building state-of-the-art nuclear power plants, a global network of high-speed, magnetically levitated trains, and water management systems to provide the water for people, agriculture, and industry. We will move beyond making "things" to making history again.

It is not sufficient to merely repair existing facilities, or to build new facilities at existing technological levels. What we must do is to replace them with higher levels of technology, raising the productive power of human labor to new levels. This requires the adoption of a mission which will motivate and encourage us to make the scientific and technological breakthroughs necessary to push forward into this new Renaissance; we give ourselves problems to solve, we imbue humanity with a sense of optimism, and engage human creativity.

The perfect mission in this regard is the mission to put a manned base on Mars. To get to Mars requires not only returning to the Moon, but developing the capability on the Moon to build the spacecrafts necessary to make the trip to Mars. It also means developing the propulsion systems necessary to maintain a constant acceleration, and then a deceleration, of one Earth gravity, and solving an incredible range of other problems.

This is not a collection of programs, from which to pick and choose. It is a coherent program which must be adopted in its entirety if mankind is to avoid, at this late date, a collapse of civilization as we have known it.

To understand why the Whole Enchilada is required, we must understand the full extent of the problems we face. We are not facing merely a financial crisis, though we certainly have one. Neither are we facing merely a political crisis, which can be fixed by replacing one party in power with another. What we are facing is the very fabric of society itself, crumbling away.

Look around you, at the rate at which our brothers and sisters are losing their jobs, their homes, their ability to survive. Look at the rate at which governments at all levels are going broke, unable to perform their proper functions. Look at the way that all attempts to solve these problems are failing.

Nothing works anymore. Our ability to fix things has broken down, because we have become so caught up in entertainment and money, that we have forgotten how to drive our economy, and have allowed our political system to be taken over by the financier interests that are the agents of our destruction [ultimately theirs as well--they can't eat their paper... or shall we labor to feed them?]. We have allowed our schools to devolve into intellectual deserts where children are taught what to think, not how to think. We have allowed giant insurance and pharmaceutical companies to turn the study and practice of medicine into a looting ground, and allowed giant corporate cartels to increasingly dominate all essential needs of our lives.

Far too many among us allow ourselves to be distracted by the latest celebrity gossip, the local sports teams, the business news, partisan politics, and a host of other trivia. We have allowed ourselves to become stupid, and thus, easily manipulated.

This is what we must correct, and the Whole Enchilada offers the way to do it.

Real Reform
The propagandists of the monetarist empire have gone to grrrreat lengths to try to convince us that our future depends upon restoring their predatory financial system. We are induced to focus on such real, but relatively minor issues as bankers' bonuses and accounting issues, while the financial predators continue to rape and plunder and kill. They make us think that we need them, even as they lead us into a worsening nightmare life on Earth. WE DON'T NEED THEM!

Real reform means reorganizing, as through bankruptcy, their fetid system, with its control over the issuance and price of money, and replacing it with sovereign credit systems. It means an end to the power of the private central banks, beginning with the Federal Reserve, and a return to the principles laid out in the U.S. Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution.

Anything that reeks of globalization, we toss. Beginning with the idea any global tax to support global financial tyranny. Same goes with cap and trade, and all the other greenie taxes. No public funding of imperial schemes!

Derivatives regulation is easy. We outlaw derivatives. All derivatives contracts currently outstanding are declared null and void, and all new contracts prohibited. Problem solved.

The mountain of speculative debt gets written off through the bankruptcy reorganization, and the banking system that emerges from that process will operate under the Glass-Steagall standard. We will have banks, not casinos—and we'll make sure they behave. Banking serves the society and economy, not the other way around!

We'll set up a new Bank of the United States, to act as the intermediary between the government and the private banking system. We'll audit the Fed, after we shut it down.

Lesser measures, such as the moves in Congress to reinstate Glass-Steagall, are useful and should be encouraged—as long as everyone understands that they are steps along the way to a larger solution, and not solutions in and of themselves. We must not fall into the trap of confusing winning a battle or two with winning the war. Truly, whole civilizations have been lost to such errors.

Finally, we need to change, so that we citizens can understand what can and must be done, and make it happen.


This is an edited version of an editorial written by John Hoefle. His original is here:

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