Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Carols and Songs, 2009


Just reading the lyrics comes nowhere close to doing these justice. Listen. Act.

MP3 Audio

You better not cough,
You better not sneeze,
You better not get a fatal disease,
Obama's keeping healthcare costs down,

He's making a list,
And checking with NICE,
If keeping you breathing is worth the price,
Obama's keeping healthcare costs down,

Obamacare is thrifty,
'Cuz they don't give a damn,
If you are under fifty and you need a mammogram,

So you better be young,
With plenty of cash,
Or help shave off his Hitler mustache,
Obama's keeping healthcare costs down,

Obama's health advisers,
Are genocidal jerks,
Just like the Nazi doctors that were hanged at Nuremberg,

Obama's healthcare,
It mustn't be passed,
So light a fire on your congressman's ass.
Obama's keeping healthcare costs down.


Obama's lost it all
MP3 Audio

What kind of president is this,
Emitting noble gasses,
A Nobel Prize winning piece of work,
Who's trying to kill the masses,

Obama has lost it all,
For a little queen who's not so tall,
Obama is plunging fast,
Don't let your country go with him,

Somewhere between East Anglia,
And the Chicago Board of Trade,
A green financial bubble grows,
As'the City of London gets paid,

Obama has lost it all,
For a little queen who's not so tall,
Obama is plunging fast,
Don't let your country go with him,

A global holocaust is here,
But citizens do not dismay,
If Mars we reach in'a fusion fleet,
Then safely we'll be out of harm's way,

Obama has lost it all,
For a little queen who's not so tall,
Obama is plunging fast,
Don't let your country go with him.

Outside of a shelter
MP3 Audio

Outside of a shelter you wait for a bed,
thrown out before Christmas all thanks to Fed,
Foreclosures are soaring and credit has froze,
But where's Barney Bailout nobody knows,

Away in London they scheme for your life,
Obama bends over to prince Philips' wife,
In DC he gave all you had to the banks,
On London's orders he'll bring out the tanks,

We warned Barney Frank but he said things were fine,
Guess what? He's a liar and you're on the line,
The system is crashing but it's not your fate,
Now pass the LaRouche Plan before it's too late,

Tell congress move over we're taking your job,
Vote Rachel for Congress she'll clean out the slobs,
The future is calling for you to embrace,
Put Rachel in congress and mankind in space.

The unemployment line

MP3 Audio

Who should be sent to the unemployment line?
Obama's little mustache,

Who should be sent to the unemployment line?
Bailout Barney Frank,
And Obama's little mustache,

Who should be sent to the unemployment line?
Nancy Pelosi,
Bailout Barney Frank,
And Obama's little mustache,

Who should be sent to the unemployment line?
London's little queen,
Nancy Pelosi,
Bailout Barney Frank,
And Obama's little mustache,

Who should be sent to the unemployment line?
They're worse than Bush,
London's little queen,
Nancy Pelosi,
Bailout Barney Frank,
And Obama's little mustache,

Who should be sent to the unemployment line?
Evil Peter Orzag,
Timothy Geithner,
Ben Bernanke,
They're worse than Bush,
London's little queen,
Nancy Pelosi,
Bailout Barney Frank,
And Obama's little mustache,

Who should be sent to the unemployment line?
Scary Larry Summers,
Dr. EZ-Kill,
And his brother Rahm,
Evil Peter Orzag,
Timothy Geithner,
Idiot Bernanke,
They'll kill us all,
London's little queen,
Nancy Pelosi,
Bailout Barney Frank,
And Obama's little mustache,

Who should be sent to the unemployment line?
Nazi John Holdren,
Scary Larry Summers,
Dr. EZ-Kill,
And his brother Rahm,
Evil Peter Orzag,
Timothy Geithner,
Idiot Bernanke,
Don't forget Al Gore!
London's little queen,
Nancy Pelosi,
Bailout Barney Frank,
And Obama's little mustache.


A gift from the Boston LaRouche Youth Movement, and the Lyndon LaRouche PAC.

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