Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Copenhagen: Empire Launches Full Court Press In Defense of Genocide

Determined to ensure that the UN Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen comes out the way the Queen wants, her imperial toadies today launched a full court press on behalf of killing people.

Most telling was the piece of fascist filth drafted by the Guardian which was published Dec. 7 as an joint editorial by 56 dailies in 45 countries, including France's Le Monde, Italy's La Reppublica, Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung, El Universal of Mexico, Clarin of Argentina, Canada's Toronto Star, the Miami Herald, among others.

The message? There had better be action now, to avoid global catastrophe. There are "fourteen days to seal history's judgment on this generation," it warns. "The science is complex but the facts are clear. Half of all species could become extinct, untold millions of people would be displaced, whole nations drowned by the sea." And although it is likely that no ironclad, legally binding agreement will come out of Copenhagen at this point, next June's UN climate meeting in Bonn should be the absolute deadline for reaching a rigorous treaty.

The Economist, The Times, Financial Times, Prince Philip's World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and Gordon Brown himself, were all fully mobilized to get out the Queen's royal emissions, and especially cheering on Obama, for deciding to attend the summit at the end, rather than the beginning. Changing the date of Obama's attendance supposedly means there's some "emerging consensus" on an agreement, Bloomberg News panted. WWF President Carter Roberts was beside himself, squealing that Obama's new attendance date "is a game changer. It's huge!"

In a separate article published in the Guardian, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown went through a chest-thumping exercise, Tarzan-style, proclaiming that he will "take on with evidence, argument and moral passion all the anti-science and anti-change environmental Luddites who seek to stand in the way of progress." As for Obama, "I am delighted that President Obama is not only going to Copenhagen to help conclude the deal, but leading the way on this, he has committed his country to paying its fair share."

December 8, 2009 (LPAC) I changed the heading/title (only) slightly.

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