Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blaming human beings for the worlds ailments instead of uplifting them to solve these problems must cease

Summer Shields, Congressional Candidate from California's 8th Congressional district [Nancy Pelosi's] and LPAC activist statement on Copenhagen Summit:

"The concluding days of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen should be cancelled at once for scientific negligence. With what is at stake in this present world economic breakdown, it is more necessary than ever to expose the fraud of anthropogenic climate change and the intentional plans already concocted to cut the productivity of the world down to levels that would cause the death, and prevention of life, to billions of people. This is an expanded version of Henry Kissinger's 1974 NSSM 200 memorandum calling for population reduction.

"The recent walkout by the G77 nations at the Copenhagen conference, while good, should now proceed to expose this genocidal policy for what it is: British Imperialism. The deranged Prince Philip's infamous comments about returning as a "deadly virus" to control the world's population, his role in the creation of the World Wildlife Fund, and the recent address to the conference by Prince Charles and Tony Blair should help in making this clear.

"I believe that the developing sector countries should immediately support the 'Four Powers' solution of Lyndon LaRouche. Russia, China, India and the United States have the clout and the need to join forces to put an end to globalization by reorganizing the world economic and financial system into bankruptcy.

"John Holdren, Obama's science adviser should step down suddenly for collaborating with a known anti-humanist, Paul Ehrlich of 'Population Bomb' notoriety, and for supporting a policy of population reduction. When did 'killing people' replace 'saving people' when it comes to scientific method? Blaming human beings for the worlds ailments instead of uplifting them to solve these problems must cease."

December 16, 2009 (LPAC)

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