Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Obama's Approval Rating--How Low Can He Go?

January 4, 2010 (LPAC)—The Rasmussen Report's latest daily Presidential Tracking Poll, done Dec. 31, shows that Obama's approval fell 3 percentage points in December, compared to 2% declines in October and November, respectively. The poll shows that 42% of U.S. voters "strongly disapprove" of Obama's performance as President, while only 24% "strongly approve"—yielding a negative approval rating of -18%.

Rasmussen polls also show that 47% of voters think states should have the right to opt out of whatever healthcare plan Congress adopts.

In addition to the Hitler healthcare, firedoglake.com blogger and liberal Democrat Jane Hamsher has pointed to the White House-allied groups who insisted that no Democrats attack the AIG bailout early in Obama's term. Hamsher wrote, "The natural people who would have been organzing at that point in time were the liberal groups. The bankers came to the White House and said, 'We want you to ratchet down the rhetoric,' and that's what happened. The word went out at those meetings, 'Don't criticize the bankers; don't criticize Geithner and Summers,' " Hamsher wrote, referring to the gatherings of groups organized by the Obama campaign apparatus. "All that populist anger migrated over to the teabaggers and grew over there. That was a huge mistake, and we're going to pay for it in 2010."

Following Republican gubernatorial victories in Virginia and New Jersey in November, the January 19 election for Senator Ted Kennedy's Senate seat may be another shocker. In perennially Democratic Massachusetts, over-confident Democratic candidate Martha Coakley has gone on vacation, while Republican State Senator Scott Brown is running an ad showing President John Kennedy delivering his speech advocating tax cuts, and then cutting to Brown, who continues reading from it. In the past 6 weeks, Scott Brown's online donations have exploded.


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