Monday, August 17, 2009

These accurate reports will be hard for many to accept, but here they are…

Aug. 15—The British imperial interests have suffered a serious blow at the hands of Lyndon LaRouche, and they are reeling from the impact of that unanticipated strategic setback. Over the past 72 hours, President Barack Obama's failure to deliver on a made-in-London euthanasia scheme, disguised as a health-care "reform" program, has shocked the British media and the entire British political Establishment, and prompted them to launch a desperate defense of the British National Health Service and its affiliated NICE "death panel," which is the model for Obama's plan.

"The British elites suddenly found themselves facing a significant strategic defeat, in the face of the massive and spreading American popular revolt against the Obama Administration, and they were forced to launch an all-out defense of their own deeply flawed health-care system, as their last chance to salvage their Obama project," one senior U.S. intelligence source told EIR yesterday. "The issue is, London losing its grip over the Obama White House, and that is a really big deal, given all they have invested in that program."

Indeed, in response to the continuing mass strike ferment throughout the United States against the Obama Administration's failed policies, the British media, from the Fabian Society-linked London Guardian to the right-wing Tory Daily Telegraph, is carrying out a coordinated black propaganda campaign, to save London's grip over the White House—by defending British health care as a world-class system—far better than that of the United States. The normally middle-of-the-road British Independent today ran an article, headlined, "The brutal truth about America's health care," describing the thousands of poor people who turned out in Los Angeles for free health care, and defending the Obama plan. The Independent screed is typical of the propaganda line coming from the entire British media this past week.

Politicians from Labour Party Prime Minister Gordon Brown, to his Tory opponent David Cameron, have also delivered nearly identical defenses of the British system. Given the top-down orchestration of British politics, it is not unfair to presume that the Queen's Privy Council, headed by Lord Peter Mandelson, issued orders for the engineered effort last week, when the situation in the United States broke totally out of control.

The single biggest cause of hysteria from British quarters is the fact that Lyndon LaRouche has been publicly identified as the catalyst of the revolt against the Obama White House's efforts to shove a Hitlerian euthanasia scheme down the throats of the American people. Beginning with the Aug. 6 Romulus, Mich. town hall meeting by Rep. John Dingell (D), the LPAC poster, depicting President Obama with a Hitler mustache and the caption, "I've Changed," has grabbed headlines in newspapers around the United States and around the world.

This past week, as town hall protests swelled in size, more and more U.S. and international media began airing interviews with LaRouche PAC organizers; and the Washington Times went so far as to publish an interview with EIR Editor-in-Chief Nancy Spannaus, spelling out LaRouche's critique of the Obama health plan scheme, and his alternative.

The next day, an hysterical reporter for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) conducted a live interview with LaRouche national spokesperson, Debra Freeman, in which Freeman launched into a frontal attack against the British health-care system, as a genocidal mess.

LaRouche's well-documented denunciation of the Obama Administration's plan for the creation of IMAC (Independent Medical Advisory Council), modeled on Hitler's September-October 1939 T-4 program of government enforced euthanasia, has been picked up by leading Republican Party figures, including House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio); former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin; conservative commentator Patrick Buchanan; and scores of lesser known columnists, bloggers, and activists.

One senior political operative told EIR that the Republican Party, desperate to regroup after the electoral defeats of 2006 and 2008, picked up the LaRouche attacks on the Obama health-care swindle, studied the documentation, concluded that LaRouche was absolutely correct, and jumped on the bandwagon. By last week, according to the source, every faction within the GOP had picked up on the LaRouche message—to the point that a frantic Karl Rove jumped in, to warn Republicans that they were losing control over the issue to LaRouche.
Furthermore, a wide range of Democratic Party-linked voices, from The Nation's David Greider, to the New York Times's Frank Rich, to cultural commentator Eli Siegel, to Arianna Huffington, have also joined the attack on President Obama, denouncing him for cutting a dirty backroom deal with "Big Pharma" and "Big Insurance," and accusing him of being a corporativist—i.e., a fascist.

In fact, White House sources have leaked to the media, some details of the agreement, reached in recent weeks, between PhRMA, the industry lobbying group, and the President, further fueling the "revolt from the left" against Obama.

What LaRouche started, on April 11, 2009, with his webcast warning that Obama suffers from a severe "Nero Complex," has now mushroomed into a far-reaching popular revolt. The ostensible issue is the President's fascist health-care scheme, but underlying factor, is that the American people are fed up with bailouts of Wall Street at taxpayers' expense, massive job losses, home foreclosures, and the bankrupting of nearly every state government—translating into a collapse in social services, and even basic infrastructure like schools, hospitals, and core transportation systems.

That [the oligarchy] is acutely aware of the danger that such a popular revolt—informed by LaRouche's clear alternative recovery policies—represents, was made perfectly clear by a pair of articles, that both appeared in the past 24 hours.

Edward Luce, the London Financial Times Washington bureau chief, penned an article today, dripping with sarcasm, titled "Healthcare paranoia is part of America's culture war," which did, in fact, admit that the health-care battle is actually a much deeper one, centered on American values and the U.S. Constitution. "Anyone who visits a few of this month's rowdy town hall meetings can grasp that opposition to Mr Obama's healthcare proposals is a lightning rod to a far larger world view, which seeks to protect American values and the US constitution from an alien takeover," Luce writes. "Their issues are diverse. But their sentiment is common: America's constitution is being trashed by un-American values.... No amount of contrary evidence will puncture the view that Mr Obama plans to establish 'death panels' that will decide which grannies get to live or die. Nor will reason counter the view that countries such as Canada and the UK push their weakest to the back of the queue.... Forget the details of healthcare reform. The side that identified with American values will get the upper hand."

The second article, posted on the widely read Huffington Post, written by Chris Weigant, went directly at the central issue that has London and Wall Street totally up in arms: The fact that the decades-old containment of LaRouche has totally broken down.

Back in 1976, Washington Post editorial writer Stephen Rosenfeld published a now-infamous op-ed, speaking for the Anglo-American Establishment media. He declared that, henceforth, there could be no media coverage of LaRouche, that was anything other than a mocking slander. Rosenfeld put in writing, what had been delivered, face-to-face, in December 1971, as an official Establishment pronouncement to LaRouche. Sidney Hook, the grand-master of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, told LaRouche, moments after he had decimated Keynsian economist Abba Lerner at a Queens College debate, that he would be placed under total containment. LaRouche had dared to commit the crime of publicly proving, before a large university audience, that Professor Lerner was a devotee of Hitler's chief economist Hjalmar Schacht.

In his Huffington Post rant, Weigant assailed the Establishment media for breaking the more than 35-year containment pact:

"I truly believe that some of the overpaid well-coiffed talking heads on television finally woke up and became embarrassed that they were lending so much legitimacy to people who normally would be referred to as the 'tin-foil hat brigade' (see, for example: followers of Lyndon LaRouche). There's an unspoken rule in the mainstream media that once a consensus is reached that any one person or group is from 'the fringe,' then all they deserve from that point on is ridicule. Look at how they treated Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul in last year's campaign, for instance.

"But," Weigant continues, "the media found themselves in a quandry last week. They loved the 'angry person screaming at member of Congress' video so much (and ran it so many times) that they knew they were culpable...."

The reality is obviously more profound than Weigant's nasty admission about the Establishment media's black-balling. LaRouche called the shot on President Obama's Nero Complex, and dared to draw the accurate historical parallels between the President's healthcare reform swindle, and Hitler's universally despised T-4 euthanasia program, which was the precursor to the concentration camps and the Holocaust. As events proved LaRouche to be right, and as the American people suddenly woke up one day and realized that they were about to lose everything, because they had foolishly gone along with a culture and an economic policy that has brought us to the brink of total breakdown, all hell broke loose.

- For the Record, Mr. President -

After initially cancelling all scheduled town hall appearances by President Obama, the White House spin-meisters decided last week that the President had to be sent out to salvage his all-but-lost health-care reform plan. A series of tightly screened and engineered "town hall" meetings were thus staged, to give the President the opportunity to lie through his teeth. President Obama tried—unsuccessfully—to reassure the American people that he does not plan to create "death panels" to set limits on medical care.
But, at the same time that Obama was visiting New Hampshire, Montana, and Colorado, delivering carefully scripted lies to carefully screened audiences, sources on Capitol Hill were telling a far different story to EIR. In fact, the top White House health-care aides, from Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, to Office of Management and Budget director Peter Orszag—to Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm's brother and a leading euthanasia advocate—were all arm-twisting and threatening Congressional leaders, telling them that the only issue that is not up for negotiation is the President's plan to create an independent board, to set absolute limits on health-care services and payments. The very "death panel" that the President said was off the table, is the only issue that the White House insists is non-negotiable.

One senior U.S. intelligence source verified the Congressional accounts and explained that the President has been sold on the need for massive austerity. "The bailout could cost $24 trillion, so there have to be austerity cuts, to reduce the Federal deficit," the source revealed. "Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and White House chief economic advisor Larry Summers have both promised the Chinese, and other major holders of U.S. government debt, that there will be massive cuts, to reduce the deficit. Unless they get their independent panel, to impose severe cuts in health-care services and payments, they won't succeed.
"This is what the President believes, for now. Health care is just one part of the overall austerity scheme they are trying to pull off."

These austerity schemes are doomed to fail, and that poses the next big question for Obama's ultimate controllers in London: When do they decide that the President is beyond salvation, and what do they do then? ...

Want more detail?

White House in Hiding, Senators Say Obama Doesn't Have the Votes to Pass Reform

August 17, 2009 (LPAC)—The White House and Nancy "Marie Antoinette" Pelosi were in hiding from the cameras on Sunday, while more than 4 hours of TV "talking heads" shows addressed nothing but health care, and demonstrated that Obama's Nazi health care policy is becoming more and more hated. The TV talk shows, from Fox Sunday, to ABC This Week, to Meet the Press, were total brawls that revealed that the votes are not there to pass the health plan in either the Senate or the House. Among the major revelations indicating that Obama is doomed were that:

(1) the public option is "not essential" — HHS Secretary Sibelius;

(2) "there are not enough votes in the U.S. Senate for the public option. There never have been," and for the President to pursue this is a "wasted effort" — Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND), a member of the "Gang of Six" bipartisan negotiators in the Senate Finance Committee;

(3) there is no September 15th deal promised by Sen. Max Baucus to Obama to produce a Senate Finance Committee bill. Instead, the Committee "will be ready when we are ready," pending answers from the Congressional Budget Office — Sen. Kent Conrad;

(4) there will be no "mandatory end of life counseling" included in any bill that passes, according to Sen. Conrad, and Secretary Sibelius made a similar announcement that end of life counseling is "probably off the table" now due to the "horrific" opposition;

(5) IMAC and NICE are major targets of the Republicans who oppose the existing plans, but both TV moderators interrupted the Senators when they mentioned the names of these bodies. Instead, the moderators only wanted to use the term, "death panels."

Specifically, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) went after the end of life counseling as intolerable, and also cited NICE as the model for "rationing," and the reason that he recently told reporters that the "Democrats' health plan will kill Americans." When the moderator goaded him, "Is that reasonable discourse?" Coburn replied, "Absolutely ... let's look at the NICE system." That led fellow guest Tom Daschle to cut him off in a frenzy.

Sen. Shelby repeatedly accused the White House of advocating rationing; a video was shown of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), another member of the bipartisan "Gang of Six" negotiating the Senate bill, has been at several town meetings in Iowa, where he is saying that we "should not have counseling on the end of life ... we should not have a government program that determines you're going to pull the plug on Grandma." And Sen. Orin Hatch, who has co-sponsored health bills with Kennedy, Waxman, and Dodd, said he will not negotiate with the White House until the "government option" is removed completely, and went after the "IMAC" board by name, directly noting that this rationing board would be appointed only by the President.

More and more people are saying that the health plan is doomed. A.B. Stoddard from The Hill reported that in a conversation with a "leading" Blue Dog Democrat, he revealed that they "are not going to be able to pass" a bill in the House, because the Blue Dogs "are peeling off" from support. Polls show that opposition to the health care is about 7 percentage points above support; Sen. Shelby said that the Town Hall protests are having a major effect on how the Congress will vote.

We don't want another 9/11

"We want the President safe. Unless he changes his policies in the immediate days ahead, he will become an ever increasing object of hatred from the American people. We want to assure his safety, because there should be no guilt associated with hatred for the President's horrible policies, from bailing out Wall Street, to his so-called health care reforms.

"These guys [see below] are spreading degenerate lies. They are lying about the American people, and lying about the actual popular upheaval against policies that will kill. The American people do not want to be killed, and these two British writers are stupid jerks who don't know the first thing about what is going on here. In point of fact, the people putting out this kind of propaganda are doing the most to set up the conditions for such an attack on the President. The citizens showing up at the town hall meetings around the country are showing a decent respect for the person of the President, while voicing their strong opposition to the policies he is promoting. The lying claims of racism are exactly the opposite of the truth. The made-in-London policies being promoted by this Administration are where the racism is to be found—hatred of the human race.

"The [oligarchy] may very well be attempting to orchestrate U.S. politics by assassination. It would be dangerous to deny this. That is why I am speaking out, as a responsible public figure, now. If anything happens to the President, you can start with the assumption that the orders came from London. Preemptive exposure is the best insurance against something happening to the President."

[Actually, the four paragraphs above were the last four of the following:]

Oligarchy, Furious At Obama, Could Go For the Kill

August 17, 2009 (LPAC)—Two major British Sunday newspapers—the Observer and the Independent—published black propaganda stories today, claiming that the outpouring of opposition to the President's health care "reforms" is coming from a rabid rightwing extremist movement, that could attempt to assassinate the President. Lyndon LaRouche promptly denounced these British stories, warning that if there is any attempt to assassinate the President, it will come from top circles in London, who are furious at President Barack Obama, for flubbing the British demands to impose fascism on the United States.

Writing in the Independent, Rupert Cornwell touted a recent study by the ADL-allied Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), claiming a massive increase in radical militia activity as proof that a major domestic terrorist attack or a direct hit on Obama is likely. "As one SPLC official puts it, every element is in place for a 'perfect storm' of home-grown extremism. For the first time, the detested federal government is run by a black man. A struggling economy fuels discontent, with illegal immigrants accused of stealing American jobs. The military, long a breeding ground of the far right, is sending home veterans in vast numbers. Finally, there is the internet, which simultaneously propagates and intensifies the feelings of true believers—and the conspiracy theories they devour. The US has always had a taste for conspiracy theories, but rarely as now."

Writing in the Observer, the Sunday edition of the Fabian Society-linked Guardian newspaper, Paul Harris was even more blunt. In an article headlined, "Fears for Barack Obama's safety as healthcare debate fuels extremism," Harris wrote, "Welcome to the disturbing new face of the radical right in America. Across the country, extremism is surging, inflamed by conservative talkshow hosts, encouraged by Republican leaders and propagating a series of wild conspiracy theories. Many fear it might end in tragedy... Such extremism is becoming a major security issue, prompting fears of an attack on Obama's life or some other incident of domestic terrorism." Harris not only cited the same Southern Poverty Law Center study as did the Independent's Cornwell. He interviewed Chip Berlet, the sexually ambiguous longtime slanderer of Lyndon LaRouche, who cackled, "This is a very dangerous situation that can spin off 'lone wolf' individuals who decide now is the time to act against people they see as an enemy."

[T]here is a threat against the President's life, but not from the so-called extremist fringe in America. [ . . . ] It is estimated that the greatest danger to the life of the President is [ . . . ]aimed at attracting sympathy to the dead man's cause. Were this to happen, it would represent a new 9/11 attack, with even more devastating consequences.


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