Friday, August 14, 2009

Healthcare Reform: What the Obama Administration is Up To

August 13, 2009 (LPAC)—Reliable sources inform LaRouche PAC that the Obama White House and OMB director Peter Orszag have told Congress they will refuse to accept any healthcare "reform" legislation which does not legislate Orszag's killer Independent Medicare Advisory Commission (IMAC) into power. Orszag's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is openly "fixing" the so-called scoring of healthcare reform plans in order to compel Congress to do so.

The IMAC is at the core of the Obama healthcare "reform's" actual fascist agenda; it copies the "T-4" (Tiergarten 4) euthanasia program Hitler established in 1939, to create a board of physicians charged with saving hundreds of thousands of Reichsmarks yearly by terminating care to "lives not worthy of life." The IMAC part of the legislation was written personally by Orszag, giving power to this Commission to order prompt and mandatory cuts in Medicare/Medicaid funding of specific tests, treatments, procedures, drugs, etc. for seniors and poor people. This commission is also supposed to be made up of physicians, and healthcare "experts," but at Orszag's insistence it can be overruled by government actuaries and ordered to make even deeper, faster cuts.

But the deadly IMAC—due to Congressional Democratic resistance to a panel that clearly can kill elderly and poor people by cutting off funding of their medical care—has not been incorporated in any healthcare "reform" bill produced by any Congressional committee so far.

Sources say that White House staff are telling Congressional leaders that the IMAC must be put into that legislation by September. And Orszag has told those leaders that in order to enforce this, OMB is predetermining that any bills not creating a powerful IMAC are being "scored" by OMB to appear to cost very large, $1 trillion-plus sums, in order to rule such bills out as unacceptably expensive. The closely watched "scoring" process, in a word, is fixed—openly and arrogantly so. The White House will bludgeon the Congressional committees until they get IMAC—their euthanasia board—passed; or until the American people force them to abandon the whole criminal campaign.

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