Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pelosi Goes Psycho with Op-Ed Calling Opposition "Un-American"

Aug. 11 (LPAC)—Nancy Pelosi is insane, and is trying to get the Congress to goosestep to Obama's Nazi policies, but her latest attempt—an op-ed (so-signed by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer) called "'Un-American' Attacks Can't Derail Health Care Debate" has backfired, making her even more desperate. Pelosi's insanity was driven home dramatically in Hoyer's home state—Maryland—where as of 7:00 PM, more than 2,500 angry people had shown up for a town meeting on health care, and only 500 of them were let in.

Clearly in a disassociated state, Pelosi writes that she and Hoyer will spend August working with House Dems to combine the three separate health bills passed in the house to "produce one strong piece of legislation that the House will approve in September." She tries to dismiss the mass strike as "an ugly campaign [that] is underway not merely to misrepresent [the issue] ... but to disrupt public meetings.... The tactics have included hanging in effigy one Dem member of Congress in Maryland and protesters holding a sign displaying a tombstone with the name of another congressman in Texas, where protesters also shouted....

"Drowning out opposing views is just plain un-American."

Incredibly, she never mentions FDR, but rather, credits racist British agent Teddy Roosevelt for putting health care on the "national agenda as early as 1912, thanks to [his] Bull Moose presidential run." In deference to TR, she says, "This fall at long last, we must reach it."

This psychotic rant has already triggered furious backlash, with editorials and denunciations from all over the country beginning with House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio). By the end of the day, even the White House spokesmen and Obama himself in Mexico had made Pelosi a laughingstock, by praising, not denouncing the "vigorous" opposition as a national tradition.

Pelosi is so hated that Washington, D.C.'s leading all-news radio station, WTOP, on its website reporting the story of Pelosi's op-ed, anticipated an avalanche of opposition to her, and warned: "Please note that WTOP strives to be a family-friendly website, so please keep the language clean when you add your comments..."

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