Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Obama's Useless Eaters Healthcare Program

During the past days, President Barack Obama has announced his intention to enact a health-care policy which is, in effect, a copy of the infamous Adolf Hitler proclamation of September 1939 on the subject of "lives not worthy to be lived." The recent announcements by President Obama are the most extreme step in the direction of Hitler-like fascist dictatorship we have heard from him so far.

This insanity is not merely the product of his own personal idiosyncrasies. These are the policies of the "Behavioral" psychologists around Peter Orszag, and the direction of the economic and other policies of Larry Summers, and those of the brothers Rahm and Ezekiel Emanuel.

That team of his close personal advisors, such as Summers, Orszag, and Rahm and Ezekiel Emanuel, damn well mean the words which Obama has spoken in this case. They have spelled it out in terms of the policies on which the Obama Administration is already acting. Obama's words are not just words; they are the actual content of the policies which are being expressed in action by those so-called advisors.

Do not be fooled about all of our citizens. The revolt against Obama's direction is building up at an accelerating rate outside of occupied DC, and behind doors where potent political circles meet. You will not see it accurately reflected on TV! Only the foolish, creeps, and cowards among us are refusing to see what is going on.

More and more of the veterans of the cause of the sane and sensible have not only recognized the voice of September 1939 Adolf Hitler in Obama's words; some recall, vividly, what those words from Hitler meant and manifested during the years 1939-1945.

It will not be long before those evil words from President Obama's mouth will acquire an irreversible effect in the same direction as Hitler's similar words did before: unless President Obama is impelled, not only to repudiate them very soon, but to dump those elements within his own administration who are the current filthy paws and claws of this copy of Adolf Hitler's policy of genocide.

It is past time for those who have been "dragging their feet" for Obama on this issue, either to honor, or tear up, their fraudulent tokens of membership in the human race.

Obama must repudiate his presently stated "wealthy-care, not health-care," Hitler-like policy now, not merely with words, but by action.

Find on YouTube, "Obama's Useless Eaters Program" Equating these policies with Hitler's is not hyperbole.

also, search - Obama health "May 11" - and shake off the cobwebs of inaction.

Amy Goodman of Democracy now has just done a fine (relatively short) interview: ...five doctors, nurses and single-payer advocates were arrested at a Senate Finance Committee hearing, bringing the total number of arrests in less than a week to thirteen. She speaks with two of those arrested: Single Payer Action founder Russell Mokhiber and Dr. Margaret Flowers of Physicians for a National Health Program. Check out how people with knowledge, morality, respect for human beings, and courage look the Beast in the eye and take action.

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