Saturday, May 23, 2009

First Victim of Nazi Law in Washington State

On Thursday, Linda Fleming, a 66-year-old woman with pancreatic cancer, committed suicide under the new assisted suicide law which was approved in Washington State in November. The announcement of her death was made by the group, Compassion & Choices of Washington, which had campaigned for the law, which is modelled on a 1997 law which went into effect in Oregon. The law in Washington went into effect on March 5, 2009.

Compassion and Choices was in the coalition of groups led by the Death With Dignity National Center that pushed for passage of the Washington State law. The Death With Dignity National Center has received grants directly from the Open Society Institute of Nazi collaborator George Soros.

Under the Obama Administration Nazi health-cost reduction plan, more such deaths can be anticipated, as assisted suicide is far less costly than adequate medical treatment. In fact, in 1998 Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel--brother of Obama's chief of staff and currently tasked by Peter Orszag to draw up a list of permitted cost-cutting medical procedures--co-authrored with Margaret Battin, an article entitled "What are the Potential Cost Savings from Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide?" In 1992, Battin had written another article entitled "Assisted Suicide: Can We Learn From Germany?"

Under the Death with Dignity Act in Washington State, the state Department of Health is required to run a website to track the number of patients who request and use the medication. This morning, the website reported that at least five people in the state have requested the medication, and that the medication has been dispensed at least six times. In Oregon state, about 400 people have used the law passed there 12 years ago to commit suicide.

If Obama's Nazi medical policy is not defeated, such laws will proliferate throughout the nation, and the pressure to use such laws will accelerate for the stated purpose of saving trillions of dollars under conditions of financial and economic breakdown.

The above is copied from

How about Congress giving some of "the medication" to the dead investment banks! They appear alive only because of "creative" accounting methods which count as "assets" a bunch of nonsense dreamed-up by insane greedy clever idiots. We NEED the chartered community banks and international banking/trade. But the transnational mega-financiers are LITERALLY KILLING US and it can only get worse until more and more people can understand this simple fact.

They and such as mega-financier insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies have no human decency. They must be controlled by law. They are very dangerous beasts. They (of course) do not want to be controlled. They subvert, or try to, ALL THAT IS GOOD AND DECENT in order not to be controlled.

What part of that don't you understand?

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