Monday, April 21, 2008

Five Years Ago Today

I don't want to put up an "under construction" sign here, so I employed the tools of the Internet to see what I was saying some years ago on this date. This was after I had committed to the name for this blog. I had no idea I'd find this.

Since It was me that wrote this, I have taken the liberty of replacing "nonsense (my polite word)" with the word I had intended, "bullshit." Otherwise it is what it was. I don't know if the site I was writing about is still there or not.


Rumor Mill News Reading Room Archive


Posted By: somtum
Date: Sunday, 20 April 2003, 2:35 p.m.

Reading through this and adding my sarcastic comments in curly quotes was perhaps not the best way to deal with it.

Well, so be it. I didn’t know it was going to be what it was when I started.

Whether it is carefully contrived disinformation and mind pollution or whether these people actually think this way, is, I confess, not clear to me. I think the former.

I kind of liked this web site. They have intriguing paintings and music. (Who supports this complex effort? Has the Rockefeller Foundation gone new age? Why don’t I believe these people and facilities are working for free out of the goodness of their hearts?)

New Age collectivist empiricist bullshit – at best. Thirty pages and it is only a speck of the web site.

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Interview 4
By Sarah

What follows is a session I recorded of Dr. Neruda on December 31, 1997. {I do not believe that date. This “interview” is linked from the “what’s new” section of the web site. Wait for it – the interview has predictions and good foresight.} He gave permission for me to record his answers to my questions. This is the transcript of that session. This was one of five times I was able to tape-record our conversations. I have preserved these transcripts precisely as they occurred. No editing was performed, and I've tried my best to include the exact words, phrasing, and grammar used by Dr. Neruda.

(It's recommended that you read the previous three interviews before reading this one.) {I confess that I did not.}

- some snippets –

Sarah: “I’m not clear about the different objectives of these three forces.”
Dr. Neruda: “The Incunabula is concerned with the globalization of monetary channels and vital supplies like petroleum and natural gas; the Military Force is concerned with spreading and preserving democratization throughout the globe, and in so doing, protecting the self-interests of the dominant superpowers of America and Western Europe; and the Isolationist Force is focused on industry and wealth building for its citizens at the state level.”


Dr. Neruda: “At the highest levels of the Incunabula, the planning horizons are typically twenty to one hundred years, depending on the issue. They are well aware that as the oil supplies diminish, oil will become increasingly more difficult to extract from the planet’s reservoirs, and consequently, require at minimum, a thirty percent delta in refining costs. This will have a profound effect on price, which can have the effect of producing a persistent recession in the world’s economy.” {really showing his ignorance for such a connected fella. Where is mention of the Constitution? Banking? }


Sarah: Okay, stop a moment because I did some research since our interview Saturday, and learned a little bit about the organization called the Illuminati. Is this the same organization you’re now referring to as the Incunabula?”

Dr. Neruda: “No. The Illuminati is part of the secret network, but it’s not the alpha organization. The Illuminati is affiliated with other blueblood organizations, mostly originating from European roots, but its goals and objectives are not aligned to the Incunabula.”

Sarah: “In what way, because from my reading it seemed like it was the secret network you were referring to.”

Dr. Neruda: “First, you need to understand that the secret network, as I was referring to, is loosely assembled and not well aligned because of competing agendas. Nonetheless, there is a sense of camaraderie between some of the more powerful groups mostly because they share an elite status in business, academia, or government.


Dr. Neruda: “The Incunabula doesn’t dictate to the other two forces. It strategically releases information that lures the two forces in the direction it wants them to go.
“You can look at these three forces as part of an equilateral triangle, with the Incunabula at the apex, and the Global Military Force at one base and the Isolationist Force at the other. This is the real structure of global power.”

Sarah: “I’m not clear about the different objectives of these three forces.”

Dr. Neruda: “The Incunabula is concerned with the globalization of monetary channels and vital supplies like petroleum and natural gas; the Military Force is concerned with spreading and preserving democratization throughout the globe, and in so doing, protecting the self-interests of the dominant superpowers of America and Western Europe; and the Isolationist Force is focused on industry and wealth building for its citizens at the state level.”

Sarah: “But how does the Incunabula lure these other two forces to do its bidding? Can you give me an example?”

Dr. Neruda: “Why do you think Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait?”

+ + +

Dr. Neruda: “Yes. As I said earlier, they believe the global regulation of energy resources and the ability to manage population growth are the convergent issues of our time that – if managed properly – can avert Armageddon.”

Sarah: “You’ve said that word twice tonight – Armageddon. What do you mean by that? Are you talking about World War III?”

Dr. Neruda: “Armageddon is defined by the ACIO as the chaos of humanity. It is the time when humanity plunges into chaos and the interfaces of global commerce, communication, and diplomacy are destroyed in favor of national self-preservation. If this were to happen, weapons of unusual power could be used to destroy thirty percent or more of the human population. This is the definition that we don’t like to talk about, but it’s well known within the ACIO as a possibility in the 21st century.”

Sarah: “So I assume you have your probability forecasts for this as well. Right?”

Dr. Neruda: “Yes.”

+ + +

There’re several alternative energy sources that are under consideration – some are not even released to the public at this time because they stem from technologies that also carry great potential as weapons.

“As far as the ACIO is concerned, it has thoroughly analyzed the various scenarios presented by U.S. global domination and find that there are only two scenarios in which the United States can achieve its ambitious aims without catalyzing a world war and plunging the global economy into a severe depression.”

Sarah: “Can you disclose these?”

Dr. Neruda: “No.”

+ + +

Dr. Neruda: “No. It’s because the U.S. has a global military presence and economic lever that it wields with relative virtuosity. It is skillful at aggression without appearing aggressive. It protects and defends, and sometimes it will do this in a pre-emptive strike and sometimes in a reactive countermeasure that is usually at a force response that is several fold the original intensity. America’s self interests have become the standard of the free world, and there are those who fear it will dominate to the point of imperialism.”

Sarah: “How does all of this fit into the work of the Incunabula or the ACIO for that matter?”

Dr. Neruda: “The Incunabula uses the U.S. as a force for globalization. It is the lead horse pulling the nation states of the globe into a common economic and political platform.
“As far as the ACIO is concerned, it has thoroughly analyzed the various scenarios presented by U.S. global domination and find that there are only two scenarios in which the United States can achieve its ambitious aims without catalyzing a world war and plunging the global economy into a severe depression.”

Sarah: “Can you disclose these?”

Dr. Neruda: “No.”

Sarah: “Why?”

Dr. Neruda: “They are based on a mixture of remote viewing, advanced computer modeling, and preliminary BST tests. I am not willing to disclose this information at this time. Perhaps at a later date.”

+ + +

Sarah: “Remind me again, why is this consolidation, as you put it, so critical to our survival?”

Dr. Neruda” “Because the threats that will confront the human population in the 21st century will be global issues – whether they are intractable recessions, dwindling oil supplies, food distribution, overpopulation, pollution, nuclear fallout, or extraterrestrial visitations, they will require a global, coordinated response. Unless the nations of the world are united, they will respond too slowly to the threats, and the decay forces will have such traction that they may be impossible to reverse.”

+ + +

Dr. Neruda: “Only partially. The electromagnetic fields were not fully replicated in terms of their sustained intensity levels in metals because of electron drift, which, and I’m struggling to keep this in layperson’s terms, were the primary reason it failed. Nonetheless, there were prototypes built that replicated aspects of the alien craft’s propulsion system, and these were sufficient to galvanize funding and support for the ACIO.”

+ + +

Sarah: “So it’s possible that Fifteen made all of this up?”

Dr. Neruda: “You mean about the planners?”

Sarah: “Isn’t it possible?”

Dr. Neruda: “No. But it’s possible that his perception is not completely accurate, though I doubt it. Fifteen’s ability to grasp the character of someone is uncanny. He understands human psychology better than those writing the textbooks. {Quite an accolade. Gee. Wow.} I think it would be impossible for the planners to pull the wool over his eyes without him being aware of it.”

Sarah: “But you said you never met these planners – only Fifteen has…”

Dr. Neruda: “I understand your concern about the validity of this. If I could give you names to check out, or some other form of proof, I would.

These organizations exist right up to the Incunabula, and they can be traced and researched. Certainly many journalists and researchers have done so regarding Freemasonry or Skull and Bones, and some with good success. But they never look at the broader order and what organization manages these larger, more abstract forces that make up the Triad of Power.” {Turtles under turtles under turtles . . .}

+ + +

“Well, as much as I’m tempted to dive into more information about this Grand Portal, I think my mind has reached its full ration for the night. Let’s plan to talk more about the Grand Portal in our next interview. Okay?”

Dr. Neruda: “That’s fine with me.”

Sarah: “Anything you want to say before we sign off?” {Who is this, Larry King?}

Dr. Neruda: “Yes.

“If you, the reader, {So is this calculating, or what?} wonder how the information I’ve presented about the Incunabula relates to all of the various conspiracy theories about the New World Order, intelligence community, Illuminati, Freemasonry, and all the other supposed clandestine organizations of the world, I would respectfully ask you to suspend your prior notions about the motivations of these various groups.

“These are not evil-minded organizations regardless of how some portray them. Their members have children and families just like you, and they take pleasure and disgust in the very same things as you do. {Well, the problem here is that WE don’t take pleasure and disgust in the same things. WE ARE DIFFERENT AND WE RESPECT THOSE DIFFERENCES! HELLO. Hello. Anybody home?} They are humans with all the same weaknesses for vice and greed, but they also have a strong energy to improve the world {that’s catchy}, it is simply that their definition of what a better world is may differ from yours.

“If your interest is to conjure an antagonist for your amusement, that’s your prerogative. {Gee, this guy is so superior, so intelligent.} But the issues I’ve related tonight are too serious to be amusing. They are deserving of your attention and discernment. {You betcha.} Do your own investigation into the energy supplies of our world. You may come up with different numbers than what I mentioned, but only because the technology of the ACIO is more advanced than the petroleum industry. Nonetheless, you’ll see confirmation of this general condition. {Yes, We read Mike Ruppert’s web site too.}

“Look at the current events of your time whenever you read this interview. You’ll see how this plan is progressing. ;-)It may seem to take detours, but the general course is what I’ve described. It is moving in this direction not out of accident or because of the whims of the world’s leaders, you can be sure. It is all part of the orchestration of events that are played out according to the well-designed blueprints of the Incunabula planners.

“You may feel a certain anguish that you’re being led to a future not of your choosing, but if you want to have influence, then you need to be educated and aware of the real forces that are defining your future. This is a free-will universe. {So let me direct your thinking.} There is no hierarchy of angelic beings guiding the destiny of earth. There is no ascended master who dictates the pathway to enlightenment for humanity or the individual. {Well-read too.}

“If you truly want to express and apply your freewill, make it a personal religion to know the facts. Learn how to look behind the stories that are being sold by the media and politicians, and form your own conclusions. {Why do I get the feeling I’m not in his target audience?} Keep your doubt intact about everything you’re told from the political stage, especially when you’re induced to be patriotic. It is one of the clearest signals to be suspicious of what you’re being told.

“When enemies are created – especially new ones, be wary of the motivations of those who claim them to be enemies. Investigate the facts. Look under all the rocks and verify your evidence. Each of you must become investigators and learn the art of research and analytical study if you want to feel more a part of the movement to globalization. {AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGH!}

“Your insights and understandings may not change humanity’s course one millimeter, but it will change your ability to feel a part of this migration and have a sense of where humanity is moving and why.

“And to those who prefer to strike out on their own path and believe that globalism is pure folly, I can only explain to you that it must happen. It is the outward expression of who we are and it is the natural progression of our species to unify around the inner essence of our identity, instead of the outer façade of our particular nation or religious belief. {OK MR Scientist, where did you DEFINE “globalism?” }

“I believe everyone understands this to varying degrees, but it is the methods of this unification that concern people. And I share this concern. {sympathetic - sounds like an interrogator} If we’re collectively informed about the plan and understand the end-goal is something that holds a great promise for humanity, we can pursue this goal with greater velocity and with added confidence that the methods will be in everyone’s best interest. This must be our goal.

“And finally, many of you may feel that globalization is a concept of the New World Order and therefore dismiss it as a movement borne out of greed and the lust for power. Yes, there are always those who will take advantage of this movement to achieve personal gain, but the reason to become a unified people on this earth is far greater than the personal gains of a few. Remember this as you read your conspiracy stories. {And be grateful for the managers.}

“I’m finished, Sarah. Thank you for your indulgence.”

Sarah: “Thank you for your comments.”

End of Session

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The thing is, 100,000 people are going to read this and most of them are going to taken in. It is a very slick web site. Yesserrie, turn to the internet for the truth. They’ve got this stuff on Bucky Fuller websites too. I posted something almost exactly a year ago about one. Sounds like the same crew, actually.

A person could go nuts tracking these vermin down. Better just to learn to recognize the expression of the current of thought they represent.

A great read if you have the stomach for it. Wear your rubber boots. These people are smoothe.

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