Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cancel the Copenhagen Climate Summit!

The Climate Summit in Copenhagen, which is to take place from Dec. 6 to 18, and in which 193 nations, approximately 65 heads of government, and up to 20,000 delegates are to participate, is based on a gigantic fraud, and must immediately be cancelled—and not only to save the substantial expenses for this neo-malthusian propaganda event, whose real aim consists in establishing a de facto world government.

After almost 1,000 scientists have recently distanced themselves from the thesis of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concerning allegedly anthropogenic global warming, now the scandalous manipulations that hackers have unearthed in the e-mail communications of "scientists" of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of East Anglia University in Great Britain, are the final proof of the climate fraud—in case anyone still needed it.

In reality, the raw, unalterated data from long-term weather stations show little or no change during the last 150 years. Half of the stations show a slight cooling, and global cooling has been occurring for around ten years. So what is behind this enormously expensive campaign?

The answer is clear: Apart from all sorts of profiteers, who see the C02 emissions trade as a new opportunity for ripping off the population, it is essentially the policy of the British Empire, or, more precisely, of Prince Philip, who has repeatedly said publicly that he wants to be reincarnated as a virus, so as to more effectively contribute to population reduction. On Nov. 12, the CEO of Prince Philip's World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) told reporters: "We believe it fundamental for the President to go to Copenhagen, to look other leaders in the eye, convey our commitment as a country, and secure theirs." And promptly Obama announced, contrary to earlier statements, that he would be in Copenhagen on Dec. 9.

Moreover, it is monstrous that an official UN organization, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Danish government, want to place the question of population reduction officially on the agenda.

According to the Danish newspaper Berlinske Tidende, Danish Development Minister Ulla Toerness has admitted the controversial character of this proposal, which in several nations is still considered a huge taboo. But since, she says, there's a connection between population growth and climate change, this proposal also has the complete support of the Danish Prime Minister.

The British organization Optimum Population Trust (OPT), which crusades for global population reduction, asserts in a study that one of the best opportunities for combatting so-called "global warming," consists in preventing births, because preventing the birth of new "polluters" would be a far cheaper means to prevent "climate catastrophe," than acquiring renewable energy sources. According to the study, by spending £200 trillion, we could prevent a half-billion births and thus the emission of 24 billion tons of CO2, over the next 40 years.

Also revealing, is the fact that according to Forbes magazine, the "14 richest men in the world" (who owe their wealth not least to the casino economy) met back on May 5 of this year at the home of the president of the private Rockefeller University. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Peter Petersen, David Rockefeller, Jr., and the other participants in this illustrious gathering agreed that the problem of population growth poses the worst environmental, social, and industrial threat.

Another in a whole series of conferences, which served to prepare for the Copenhagen summit, was the conference of the Policy Network think-tank on June 5 at the London School of Economics, at which Tony Blair, whose authorship of the Iraq War is right now under investigation in Great Britain, delivered the keynote speech, emphasizing that a "revolutionary change in behavior" is required. To this end, the United States alone would have to reduce its emissions to one-tenth of the current level! Blair left no doubt that he sees the greatest problem in the fact that China wants to implement "the greatest industrialization that the world has ever seen."

During a three-day conference in Essen on the theme "The Great Transformation," organized by the Mercator Foundation in collaboration with the Climate Institute in Potsdam and Wuppertal, a prospectus for its Working Group 4 stated: "Could open democratic societies keep up with the impact of serious changes in the global climate, or could authoritarian regimes be better suited to enforce the measures required?" One of the participants in this conference was the head of the Climate Institute in Potsam, Hans-Joachim Schellenhuber, a recent host of Prince Charles for an "Experts' Discussion on the Environment and Climate Themes" at the Postdam institute, and who has also been awarded the highest English order, the Order of the Garter.

One can only agree with Lord Christopher Monckton in his characterization of the climate fraud and the Copenhagen conference: It is the attempt to establish an unelected world government with enormous and unprecedented powers. A small, closely linked grouping of so-called scientists is now exposed as frauds and criminals. Another grouping under the leadership of former British Finance Minister Lord Nigel Lawson, along with a substantial group of other Lords, authors, and journalists, has just now established a new website, and a Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), which has dedicated itself to the fight against this fraud.

Unfortunately, there can be no doubt that there is a consensus in the pro-British part of the international establishment, to respond to the systemic crisis of the global financial system with a new fascism, in which the poor, the weak, and the sick are to be sacrificed for the benefit of speculative interests.

To aim for such a policy falls under the Nuremberg Laws after World War II. All who want to participate in the Copenhagen conference should remember that. After all that has come to light until now about the climate fraud, there is only one reasonable solution: Cancel the conference immediately.
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche -- This statement was released by the Civil Rights Solidarity Movement (BüSo), a German political party, on Nov. 27, and has been translated from German.

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